Monday, May 30, 2011

6 weeks of Fun

This is our last few weeks at Grandma's house. We are growing and exploring!
I hope Little Ms Red digging this hole will not be Flora. But I might be surprised. It is a nice cool spot to have a nap. All the pups are exploring. Stairs can be a fort or a tall mountain if you use your imagination. Or again a shady spot for a nap. Puppies get tired from all this learning. Our new exercise pen is shrinking again. We have big dog crates to check out. Practicing sending mail home to Grandma Gayle.We all still like to sleep in a lump. Next week we need to learn to sleep alone. That will be a hard one! We even like to eat together. These next few weeks are going to have BIG changes.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5 weeks. More adventures

We are growing by leaps and bounds. Everyday something new to learn. Outside smells. the feel of grass on our feet. New toys. New crates to check out.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

4 weeks

We are all on food now. No more milk. Our table manners are still in development.Here are the girls. I'm in here somewhere. Won't know which one till June 9th.
We are growing. Everything else seems to be shrinking. Our whelping pen is getting crowded. The pool is a little snug with everyone crowded in. The toys seem not so big. Time to move up to new housing. Aunt Courtney makes sure it is ready. Trying out a new crate. There is room to stretch out.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Three weeks

This week out eyes are opening and we are learning how to eat gruel. It is a messy situation. It makes a pupper very tired! Mr Stanley the octopus is shrinking or we are growing.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Two weeks

Our eyes are starting to open. We can't hear yet but we're making lots of sounds.
Mom got sick and her milk bar isn't working. Grandma has to help us eat so we can get big and strong.
We are starting to stand. Leaning on your brother makes it easier.Aunt Courtney helps keep us warm and nice & clean.