Saturday, March 31, 2012

Counting down

I'm finishing up reading month with an assembly.
I wanted to play with the stuffed puppies on the stage.
I have a black one at home that looks like these.
I really wanted to play with that real baby puppy Boz.
Mom says I'll get my own puppy real soon.
Some other kids also donated gifts for college and home made dog treats.
It was tough to LEAVE IT.
I showed the babies how it was done.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Hockey fan

I went to a cold place that has people on the ice.
They were hitting a flat ball around with sticksWe sang O Canada.
I am getting tall
I liked to watch the flat ball go back & forth
I am now a hockey fan
They even had people in sleds doing the same thing
This was a good day

Sunday, March 18, 2012

11 months already

The count down has begun.
My college papers are in. In about 7 weeks I move on for bigger & better things. Now I am just strengthening my tasks I've learned since coming home. Spring has come early to Michigan. March is reading month. I've been visiting schools. The kids read me wonderful stories! I am tall and lean right now, a young lady. I still act like a puppy most of the time.
Mom can see my potential coming through that goofy behavior.
As the weather heats up I have renewed my friendship with the A/C vents.
I love cool air!